Monday, August 4, 2008

The Organic Garden Adventure Begins!

Al and I have begun to dig the weeds and roots from our old garden patch. We're excited that the weather will begin to cool off next month and we'll be able to grow some veggies. It's been quite some time since we ventured into gardening. The last time was during a hectic time when we had young children and a dog in the same area with no fence. I was working outside the home and had a family of four to keep up with. The fire ants were taking over and I decided to give up. Now, It's just Al and I and we see Emily occasionally between her many social engagements. We have baby Logan visiting most early evenings after I get home form work, so it's a great time to be outside.
Last night I was clearing up some weeds around our tiny "pond" and was nearly eaten alive by mosquitos. I wore repelent, but they didn't care. A bat box is on my list of things for Al to build for our new garden. I'm hoping the bats that used to inhabit our neighborhood will come back and eat all the stinking mosquitos! So far, fire ants have not been as much of a problen, but now that we've moved the weeds out and exposed the sandy soil, they'll find us. I have an organic plan of attack this time, so we'll see if it works. Stay tuned. You may see some green from our patch of dirt. I'll keep you posted.