The rain was much needed and left us with some surprises. The Clematis (H.F. Young) has a bloom. This is a first on a 3 year plant. I have planted clematis twice. Once here and once at our home in Maine. I moved from that home before I saw the first bloom.

We have our first blooms on the tomato plants. This is my first healthy looking tomato plant ever, so you can imagine how excited I am!

I have a few garden "helpers"; Missy the Aussie, Ella the Chihuahua, and our grand baby. I found Missy chewing on one of my corn plants today. Not sure if she thought she was helping me weed. She tends want to pull things when she sees me weeding. My biggest helper is our grandson. He points and gasps every time he sees a squirrel, a bird, or a new solar light. He's so much fun and he tries harder than an of us.

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