Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ahhh, to sleep at the beach

It's been a year of adult child drama, but I won't go there except to say that our daughter didn't get married as planned. That's not such a bad thing at all. It was a good decision for her, even though she didn't make it. Meanwhile, there was this huge deposit made at the wedding venue and an option to transfer it to the beach house owned by the same property. Soooo, we chose the beach and boy am I glad!
It was a great long weekend in a beatiful (much too big) home. It helped us know that:
  1. Our dream home is still cottage-sized not super sized like "The Retreat" where we stayed

  2. We want to live closer to the beach some day

  3. Sushi tastes better on the beach

  4. I feel guilty using a 5-gallon-a-minute-rain-shower-head even on vacation
  5. We don't really use lights much and so appreciate natural light.

  6. Our grand baby is so very happy at the beach
  7. Coconut hand soap can enhance your good mood

  8. Daytona's City Island Farmers Market has some great deals

  9. Angell and Phelps Cafe and Chocolate Factory is a great place to indulge

  10. It's REALLY good to get away to the beach!


Dirt Princess said...

Well atleast someone got to enjoy the trip. Hate everyone has been going through drama. Drama is never good! I love the beach. I am about 45 minuted from Gulf Shores/Orange Beach. We go quite often during the summer. We will be vacationing there June 6-13. I am really excited

ducktapedkitti said...

Looks like you and everyone had a lot of fun^^